INSTRUCTIONS: To play you must set traps and kill the player. Once you have set all your traps click start and see if you killed the raider, you can always restart by pressing r. 

All traps are located at the top of the screen and spawn 1 of its type in. The different traps are as following from left to right.

Spikes: Raider will lose one health and bounce up a bit

Arrow Trap: Square looking thing, place down and click again on it once its placed down to shoot an arrow. If the raider is in front of it when you shoot the arrow they lose one health.

Spirit: this changes the direction of the player once, good for guiding the raider back into spikes. 

Click start located at the bottom right of the screen to see how effective your traps were, and press r to restart if you failed.

Reduce their health to 0 to get to the next level

*NOTE: Still tons of bugs to be fixed and game is very shallow at the moment due to how long the mechancis took to build out. This also meant I was not yet able to audio, hopefully these things come soon within the coming weeks! Will post an update when the project reaches a finished state!!


Tomb Guardian Windows 27 MB

Install instructions

INSTRUCTIONS: To play you must set traps and kill the player. Once you have set all your traps click start and see if you killed the raider, you can always restart by pressing r. 

All traps are located at the top of the screen and spawn 1 of its type in. The different traps are as following from left to right.

Spikes: Raider will lose one health and bounce up a bit

Arrow Trap: Square looking thing, place down and click again on it once its placed down to shoot an arrow. If the raider is in front of it when you shoot the arrow they lose one health.

Spirit: this changes the direction of the player once, good for guiding the raider back into spikes. 

Click start located at the bottom right of the screen to see how effective your traps were, and press r to restart if you failed.

Reduce their health to 0 to get to the next level

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